Secure Your Tent

Utilize solid tent stakes and fellow lines to safely moor your tent. Pick a position of safety tent intended to areas of strength for endure. Position your tent so that its tightest side faces the breeze.



Set up for business in shielded regions, for example, behind normal windbreaks like slopes, huge rocks, or thick trees. Try not to camp on edges or in open fields where winds are most grounded.



Wind can without much of a stretch blow away lightweight stuff. Secure every one of your things, including your cooking arrangement, knapsacks, and any free things. Use rocks or weighty items to burden things that could blow away.



In very high breezes, remaining inside your tent or shelter is ideal. Try not to move around something over the top, as high breezes can make it hard to keep up with balance and can prompt injury.


A covering or rainfly over your tent gives additional insurance from downpour. Guarantee it's tight to keep water from pooling and at last spilling through. An additional covering can be utilized to make a dry region for cooking and unwinding. In the event that you intend to have a pit fire, store your kindling in a dry spot, like under a canvas. Bringing along waterproof fire starters can be a lifeline in wet circumstances.


On the off chance that you're trapped in a tempest with no haven, hunch down on the wads of your feet, making yourself as little as conceivable while limiting contact with the ground. Hold your feet together to decrease the gamble of ground current wounds.


Lightning will in general strike the tallest item in a space. Try not to camp out close to tall trees, shafts, or on high edges. Look for cover in a low region away from segregated tall items. High breezes can be perilous, especially when joined with other atmospheric conditions.


Elastic-protected resting cushions and other set-up camp stuff can give some assurance from ground flows if lightning strikes close by. Setting up camp during tempests can be hazardous because of lightning. 


A very loaded medical aid unit is an unquestionable necessity for any setting up camp excursion. Ensure it incorporates supplies for getting wounds in explicit outrageous climates like consumes, frostbite, and heatstroke. Bring a completely energized cell phone or satellite-specialized gadget. In far off regions, an individual finder guide (PLB) or a GPS gadget with a crisis signal component is vital.


Pack a crisis cover, for example, a bivy sack or a crisis cover, which can give basic insurance from the components if your tent is compromised or you really want to rapidly move. Know about the side effects of hypothermia, heat weariness, frostbite, and lack of hydration. Early acknowledgment and treatment can forestall serious medical problems.